How You Can Use Different Grips in PUBG Mobile | PUBG Mobile Tips and Tricks | PUBG FREE SKIN


Today I will give you guys some tips on how you can use different grips. So firstly I will tell you how you can use the laser Grip.

pubg all grip and use
PUBG All Grips With Name

Laser Grip

The main advantages of the Laser Grip are that it reduces the bullet spread by a high margin and your hip-fire gets accurate. I will recommend you guys use this only in close range and for close, this is the best grip. It would be a foolish thing to use it for sprays because there is no advantage of it in the situation.

pubg mobile laser grip use
Laser Grip Pubg

Thumb Grip

How we can use Thumb Grip, So guys the main advantage of Thumb Grip is that the Scope-in time is very fast. You can see in training mode or whenever you will use, it that you can't scope in faster than any other grip because this is its advantage also, this has no special advantage in sprays and its only advantage is that you can scope-in very fast.

How to use Thumb Grip by pubg free skin
Thumb Grip Pubg

Half Grip

So, in Half Grip, you get two advantages and one disadvantage. The two advantages are that the recoil is reduced a lot and recoil recovery is increased which means if you spray from any grip, the recoil is not that much at the start in the initial bullets but towards the end bullets, it's very high so this grip helps in controlling that till the end. But its only disadvantage is that it is not stable and moves right-left and shakes a lot. 

Half Grip skin in png format
Half Grip Pubg

Light Grip

Light Grip’s advantage is the last grip we discussed, Half- Grip’s disadvantage is Light Grip’s advantage meaning this grip keeps your sprays very stable and reduced the right-left shakiness. So, this grip keeps the sprays very stable I will recommend you use this grip to its best.

How to use Light Grip in pubg mobile
Light Grip Pubg

Vertical Grip

So using the Vertical Grip on a gun like M416 would be foolish because M416 has almost no Vertical recoil. So you cannot use this for vertical recoil on that. I will recommend you to use this grip in guns like Beryl and Scar-L which have higher vertical recoil M416 doesn’t have that much as this controls vertical recoil, It would be better if you do not use it in M416.

How to use Vertical Skin
Vertical Grip Pubg

Angle Grip

Angle Grip has the advantage that your spray transfer gets faster with other grips, spray transfer at this speed is not possible you can try it too I will recommend you to go to the training ground and try all the grips yourselves and check which grip is more beneficial to use. Angle Grip helps in fast spray transfer this is not the case with other grips.

How to use angle grip in pubg
Angle Grip Pubg

Hope you got to know about every grip and how you can use the different grips in different situations. You can use these tips to win the PUBG Mobile Campus Championship in Pakistan PMCC.

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