Assistant Doctor Salary In Germany [2023] – Pubg Free Skin

Assistant Doctor Salary [January 2023]

It has long been known that there is a lack of care in Germany. But the number of doctors will soon no longer be sufficient in an aging society. The situation is exacerbated by the early retirement of the Boomer generation. Employers try to counteract this lack of doctors with attractive offers. They often offer flexible part-time models and training opportunities, but financial incentives are also set. Entry-level bonuses for medical assistants of up to several thousand euros make headlines. What risks there are and where alternatives can be found, more on this article.
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Assistant Doctor Salary [January 2023] – Pubg Free Skin
Assistant Doctor Salary [January 2023]

Entry Bonus: Requirements

Payment of entry premiums is by no means a matter of course. It is used primarily as a financial incentive to find employees for less popular subjects, regions, or jobs for Assistant Doctor Salary. Rehabilitation clinics in particular, as well as hospitals outside the metropolitan areas, have more frequent personnel problems. Young assistants in particular see little incentive to move to rural regions, also in view of the costs involved. Entry bonuses are only paid to new employees. So if you switch from one hospital in a chain to another, you will have fewer chances of getting a bonus. The premium can also decrease proportionately for part-time contracts.

Entry Bonus: What To Look Out For

Even if entry-level bonuses for assistant doctors seem attractive, especially with any existing study debts, some things should still be considered. On the one hand, depending on the type of bonus, taxes may have to be paid, which significantly reduces the effective bonus. On the other hand, the costs of moving should also be considered. By commissioning a moving company, possibly in the transition period, double-vulnerable rent, new furniture, and other points, the premium can be used up quickly.
Furthermore, some entry-level premiums have special requirements to which they are tied. A typical example is a minimum residence time in the company, such as a successful takeover after the trial period. If the position does not fit your own person, as well as you, hoped, the premium may have to be repaid.

Entry Bonuses

Welcome bonuses are quite rare for medical assistants. However, there are other bonuses that you may be able to use. This can sometimes result in great financial advantages.

Promotional Bonus

Anyone who is already employed by a hospital and has contact with other job seekers in the health system may be able to receive a bonus for advertising new employees. To do this, the acquaintance must be informed of his own person when applying. Since recruitment companies can be very expensive, clinics often prefer placement through employees – and pay well for it. One-off payments of up to several thousand euros are common. These can also be paid out more than once when several employees are advertised. It should be noted that the bonus is reduced accordingly as a percentage for part-time positions work for Assistant Doctors Salary, and it is sometimes only paid out after the recruited person has completed the trial period.

Moving Premium And Employee Apartments

Employers can participate in moving costs incurred when starting work. Since these grants can usually be paid tax-free, many entry premiums are declared as a subsidy for the moving fees. In some cases, clinics also have residential buildings and apartments, which they rarely offer to employees free of charge, but often on favorable terms. Most of these apartments are intended as a temporary solution until the new employees have found something long-term.

Premiums By Time

In addition to paying an entry-level bonus, some clinics also offer a bonus after the trial period has ended and again after a certain time in the company, for example after a year. So if you bind yourself to an employer for a longer time, you can quickly increase your welcome bonus from 1,000 to 5,000 euros.

Temporary Employment Agencies

Temporary and temporary employment agencies are an option, especially for assistant doctors in higher training years. They offer short to medium-term applications, which are often very well-remunerated. Clients are often remote clinics that take care of meals, accommodation, and travel expenses depending on the offer. This means that a lot of additional services can come together when taking over several representative offices. However, it should be noted that these assignments can only be counted towards the training period under certain circumstances. They are therefore particularly suitable for making money at short notice, for example before a sabbatical or between two further training positions.


If you commit yourself during your studies to work in a specific clinic chain or in an underserved area after the license, you can receive a scholarship during your studies. This is often awarded to the „ P subjects “ psychiatry, psychosomatic, and child and adolescent psychiatry, which suffer particularly from the lack of offspring. However, other departments can also be chosen after graduation if it complies with the scholarship conditions. If you decide otherwise, you usually have to repay the money received at least proportionately.
In order to attract more medical assistants in the residential area, some statutory health insurance associations offer training support in established practices. The money is then paid to the practice owners, but depending on the agreement, this can result in a higher remuneration or a welcome bonus for the assistant doctor.

Take Advantage Of TAX Benefits

Even if this is not a direct welcome bonus for assistant doctors, possible tax advantages should be pointed out. Moving costs that are not borne by the employer may be deducted as advertising costs. The situation is similar for travel expenses for interviews. In order to be able to deduct any costs incurred from the tax as best as possible, it is worth talking to a tax advisor. These can make recommendations tailored to your own situation.

Entry Bonuses In Other Professions

Since assistant doctors are still in training and cannot work completely independently, few employers are currently still paying welcome bonuses. However, if you have already completed the training and have even gained experience as a senior doctor, you have significantly better chances of negotiating.
Anyone who looks around the health system as a doctor and is looking for a job in the private sector will find very different regulations. In other countries such as the USA, a so-called „ sign-on bonus “ is significantly more widespread than in this country, so international companies are often more willing to attract qualified applicants with such a bonus. As a guideline, the larger the company and its profit orientation, the more likely a welcome bonus can be negotiated. Smaller companies, on the other hand, usually have significantly fewer funds.


Entry-level bonuses for medical assistants are not yet widespread but are being used by more and more clinics to counteract the shortage of staff. Applicants in remote regions and less popular subjects have greater chances of such a bonus. The premiums are partly in the mid-single-digit thousand range. However, moving costs and any tax deduction must be taken into account. If no bonus is offered when the employer applies, a possible cost sharing from the applicant side can be addressed, especially if the relocation costs actually arise. Many employers understand the costs involved and are considering participation. 

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